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Your cost for this amazing package is only $29.95 for a one (1) month supply.

Or you can take advantage our our Recurring Order option and have X-Cell-R8 automatically shipped to you every 30 days for the low cost of $23.95. That’s A Savings of $72 A Year

One-Time Order $29.95
Recurring Order $23.95

Remember, X-Cell-R8 is proven to:

Help you enjoy high energy levels for the whole day, every day (not just for 3 or 4 hours but for the entire day. This energy won’t keep you up at night because it’s your body’s natural energy and not a stimulant)*

Helps you enjoy a youthful feeling (Grandparents are telling me they feel like they’re 25 again)*

Sharpen your mental clarity (college students are using it to obliterate their hangovers and study long hours with intense focus)*

In addition, we’ve also found:

  • It helps create Improved focus (X-Cell-R8 actually supports your nervous and muscles systems ability to focus and react with caffeine you just stay awake because your heart is racing and your head is buzzing)*
  • X-Cell-R8 helps alleviate the most common symptoms of PMS like bloating and fatigue (imagine what it will be like when you feel exceptional energy every day of the month) *
  • It helps to promote your normal heart rate and blood pressure (X-Cell-R8 helps maintain the overall function of your blood vessels instead of over stimulating your heart) *
  • It works for everyone, no matter how poor your health may be or what other medications you’re taking (because X-Cell-R8 strengthens your blood cells ability to navigate your system, it often supports the effects of other supplements and medications)*
  • With the iron-clad money back guarantee, backed by my reputation (which I guard like a pit-bull) you really have nothing to lose and only natural energy and better health to gain*.

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X-Cell-R8 Helps to Increase Energy and Endurance Without Any Side Effects

Here’s why I’m convinced that X-Cell-R8 works better than any other supplement on the market. * Dr. Ellis’s secret “bonding process” is the only reason that X-Cell-R8 can be taken orally.

Other Companies sell Magnesium Potassium Aspartate in pill form (sometimes for as low as $10) but their formula is useless. If they’re not offering it as an injection, your stomach acid will breakdown the compound into simple minerals before they have a chance to reach your blood stream. Our secret bonding system is like giving the minerals a bodyguard that can escort them past the stomach acid untouched and right into the blood stream where it starts to do its job*

medical_symbol*Medical Disclaimer