When theory and observation collide: Can non-ionizing radiation cause cancer?

New paper in Environmental Pollution, published online November 28, 2016:  “When theory and observation collide:  Can non-ionizing radiation cause cancer?”
by Magda Havas


oxidizingNovember 29, 2016:  The Missing Link:  Why your government isn’t protecting you from mobile phones and Wi-Fi when research shows this radiation causes cancer.

The American scientific journal, Environmental Pollution, reports in its next issue that government safety guidelines for microwave radiation emitted by mobile phones, Wi-Fi, smart meters, and other common wireless devices, are fundamentally flawed and fail to protect the public from this possible carcinogen.


This paper presents a highly probable mechanism that involves an increase in free-radicals, which–in turn–explains the increased risk of cancers documented in epidemiological studies that are associated with environmental exposure to RFR and ELF EMFs at levels well below international guidelines.

•  There is sufficient scientific evidence of cellular damage caused by non-ionizing radiation (NIR) well below thermal guidelines.
•  Applying the ionization model to NIR is inappropriate as mechanisms of biological interactions differ.
•  Free radicals can and do cause cancer and NIR can and does increase free-radicals.

“Ionizing radiation increases free radicals in the body directly.  Non-ionizing radiation increases free radicals in the body indirectly, by interfering with repair mechanisms that neutralize free radicals.  Free radicals are carcinogenic.  Therefore by interfering with the body’s ability to repair free radical damage, microwave radiation is also carcinogenic.”

For more information and to download the paper visit:

By | 2018-01-31T21:31:40-08:00 December 1st, 2016|Electromagnetic Field (EMF)|0 Comments

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