Does your sunscreen protect you?

Protect you family this summer from harmful UVA and UVB ray.

Do you know if your sunscreen protects you and your family from harmful UVA and UVB rays? Is your sunscreen safe to use on your baby or child’s skin?

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has finished their 5th annual sunscreen report. EWG has analyzed over 600 beach and sport sunscreens in their report and can recommend which ones are best for you and your family. You rely on sunscreen to protect you and your family from sunburn and prevent sun damage. Find out what sunscreens provide the best protection through the comprehensive Sunscreen Guide.

Click here to check out this year’s Sunscreen Guide!

Think your sunscreen provides enough protection?

Check out the  Hall of Shame to find out if your sunscreen is doing what it claims.

Dare to Compare?

Look up your sunscreen and compare it to the recommended sunscreens that provide the most protection.

Make sure you protect your family from the sunburn and sun damage this summer. Have a safe and happy summer!

By | 2016-11-30T23:09:40+00:00 March 28th, 2016|Archives|0 Comments

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