

The Best Probiotic Supplement- Aussie Dophilus

Not all Probiotic Supplements live up to expectations. However, the Aussie Dophilus probiotic was manufactured to Dr. Marrongelle's high standards and really does, "make you feel good down under." Aussie Dophilus: Promotes mineral absorption* Supports protein and carbohydrate digestion* Supports your metabolism* Helps remove toxins from your body by supporting your immune system* Produces lactic [...]

How To Avoid The Flu This Season

There are 2 important takeaways from this quick video. Make up your own mind. Don't let the media bully you into taking an unproven vaccine. History has shown that many of these vaccines can cause problems instead of solve them The best way to stay healthy is to strengthen your immune system. You can do [...]

Does your sunscreen protect you?

Protect you family this summer from harmful UVA and UVB ray. Do you know if your sunscreen protects you and your family from harmful UVA and UVB rays? Is your sunscreen safe to use on your baby or child's skin? The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has finished their 5th annual sunscreen report. EWG has analyzed [...]