
  • Your cost for this amazing package is only $29.95 for a one (1) month supply. Or you can take advantage our our Recurring Order option and have X-Cell-R8 automatically shipped to you every 30 days for the low cost of $23.95. That’s A Savings of $72 A Year One-Time Order $29.95 Recurring Order $23.95 Remember, X-Cell-R8 is proven to: Help you enjoy high energy levels for the whole day, every day (not just for 3 or 4 hours but for the entire day. This energy won’t keep you up at night because it’s your body’s natural energy and not a stimulant)* Helps you enjoy a youthful feeling (Grandparents are telling me they feel like they’re 25 again)* Sharpen your mental clarity (college students are using it to obliterate their hangovers and study long hours with intense focus)* In addition, we’ve also found:
    • It helps create Improved focus (X-Cell-R8 actually supports your nervous and muscles systems ability to focus and react with caffeine you just stay awake because your heart is racing and your head is buzzing)*
    • X-Cell-R8 helps alleviate the most common symptoms of PMS like bloating and fatigue (imagine what it will be like when you feel exceptional energy every day of the month) *
    • It helps to promote your normal heart rate and blood pressure (X-Cell-R8 helps maintain the overall function of your blood vessels instead of over stimulating your heart) *
    • It works for everyone, no matter how poor your health may be or what other medications you’re taking (because X-Cell-R8 strengthens your blood cells ability to navigate your system, it often supports the effects of other supplements and medications)*
    • With the iron-clad money back guarantee, backed by my reputation (which I guard like a pit-bull) you really have nothing to lose and only natural energy and better health to gain*.
  • Contains: Jasmine Absolute, 100% Pure Essential Oils of Fragonia, & Mardarian Red in a Jojoba Oil Base
  • Contains: 100% Pure Essential Oils of Sandalwood, Fragonia, Lime, Tangerine, & Mardarian Red in a Jojoba Oil Base
  • - Promotes mobility and flexibility - Use only on adults and children over the age of 12
  • The ingredients that have detoxification activity include the following: Malic acid, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, inositol, Silybum marianum (milk thistle), Apium graveolens (celery seed), Taraxacum officinale (dandelion), and Apium petroselinum (parsley), Cynara scolymus (artichoke). Those ingredients included for their antioxidant activity include: proanthocyanidins and super oxide dismutase. The following ingredients are included for their cofactor functions and/or their ability to provided direct nutritional support to critical biochemical pathways: magnesium aspartate, manganese glycerylphosphate, zinc gluconate, copper chelate, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin, pyridoxal 5 phophate, bromelain, Nasturtium officinale (watercress), Capsicum frutescens (cayenne), Agaricus blazei (mushroom), and Beta vulgaris (Beet root).
  • Not all Probiotic Supplements live up to expectations. However, the Aussie Dophilus probiotic was manufactured to Dr. Marrongelle’s high standards and really does, “make you feel good down under.” Aussie Dophilus:
    • Promotes mineral absorption*
    • Supports protein and carbohydrate digestion*
    • Supports your metabolism*
    • Helps remove toxins from your body by supporting your immune system*
    • Produces lactic acid for your support of digestive processes and colon pH balance*
    • Promote good oral health*
    *This statement has not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease.